The Age of Empires II and III Definitive Editions are receiving new content this year, both free and paid. Three of these tribes were made playable in the expansion pack Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs: the Iroquois, Lakota (under the name Sioux) and Aztecs. The native tribes featured are the Aztec, Carib, Cherokee, Comanche, Cree, Inca, Iroquois, Lakota, Maya, Nootka, Seminole, and Tupi.

Shang (surprise! This book is not a typical review of the history of India, but explains what the pre-historic traditional Vedic background is, its basis, and how it developed and expanded through time. There you will find other knowledgeable players.

Once it gets to imperial age, elite mangudai are perhaps the best raiders in the game.